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These photos are from Allen's trip to Lyberia Africa.
It was a mission trip with four goals: erect a wind turbine to generate electricity, erect a water tower, place a pump in the well to supply the water tower,
all with the final goal of providing running water in the Guest House as well as providing water on tap for the local community. All of the goals were met.
The Trinity Guest House Project of Rev. Peter Saie of Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica, NY is an endeavor to provide a safe, comfortable place for missionaries to stay
in the area. The Guest House has five apartments. One apartment is finished, one is almost finished, and three are shells.
The respective Photographers retain the copyright to all images linked to these pages.
This gallery was created on May 14, 1999 and this page has been accessed 6428 times.
If you have any problems or suggestions about this site please let me know.
Allen Mulvey